As good husbands we want to do things that make us attractive to our wives. I try to keep myself in good shape. I try to look and smell my best, most of the time. Recently, however, I was surprised by something.
What My Wife Thinks Is Sexy
When am I most attractive?
It’s not when I’m all dressed up. It’s not when I’m working in the yard. It’s not even when I’m doing my daily push-ups and crunches.
She thinks my Bible is sexy
It’s early in the morning, I’ve got pillow hair, somewhat sleepy looking eyes, my reading glasses perched on the end of my nose and my Bible in my lap. That’s the look she likes the most. That’s when I’m at my sexiest in my woman’s eyes. She’s pretty smart.
She knows if I …
- Really love God
- Really love my kids
- Really love her
Then I’m gonna spend time in God’s Word.
Me loving those three things is very important to her and that’s why she thinks my Bible is sexy.
Now don’t get me wrong, she likes it when I dress up for her. She also likes it when I work on those wonderful home improvement chores that seem to be never-ending. There has also been many times that me doing a so called “unmanly” task like cooking or doing the dishes has elicited a nice moment of affection.
All of these “looks” can look pretty good on us gentlemen but the best look, if you’re married to a Jesus follower, is the look of an open Bible in your hands.
The way you know if you really love something or someone is the amount of time you put in. I love a long weekend of good golf or college football and I do spend sometime watching those things, however, because I love God and my family more, I know I must make it a priority to spend time with them as well. Because these relationships are so important and worth fighting for you can rest assured that our enemy, Satan, is going to make us fight for them. We have to fight distractions, to-do lists, differences of opinion, and multiple other factors that can pull us away from the most important people in our lives.The only way we can have the strength to accomplish this is to open up our Bibles and let God’s Word transform us into the men He wants us to be.
I believe a Godly woman is more attracted to what’s in the heart than to what’s on the outside.
After all, if she is Godly then she will tend to think a little more like the Lord who told Samuel “man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart”.
How to show I Really love God.
This is an easy one, or at least an easy answer to give, not so easy to follow. Jesus says very plainly if you love me you will keep my commandments. We could scour the Bible looking for all the commandments to keep but Jesus made it even simpler for us in Matthew chapter 22.
“Teacher,which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40
To love God with all my heart, soul, and mind is something that I don’t know if I will ever accomplish on this side of eternity. However, as I continue to read my Bible with my heart willing to receive anything that God wants to say to me, then I know that the Holy Spirit will continue transforming me into the type of man who loves God with his all.
The more time we spend in God’s Word, the more we will look and sound like Him.
- When God’s Words are hidden in your heart, they start coming out of your mouth.
- The fruit of the Spirit begins to ripen in your life.
- God’s Word brings healing to your spirit and life to your bones
- When you are listening and following God, He makes all your other responsibilities easier.
How to show I really love my kids
Reading my Bible and learning about the Father’s character helps me be a better Father. When I see how the Father deals with me and my shortcomings, I get a better idea of how I should react when my children disobey or fall short of expectations. Parenting is not an easy task and every age has it’s challenges. One way to show your kids that you love them is to find a unique way to connect with each one individually. Another way is to stay in God’s Word. It is an instruction manual for parents. God’s Word says that if you love your children you will do these things:
- Train them in the way they should go. Give them good instruction and lead by example.
- Do not provoke them to anger, talk to your children the way you would want to be talked to.
- Discipline them in love by holding them accountable for acts of rebellious behavior.
- Love, encourage, inspire, direct, listen to, guide, and the list goes on!
Only through the strength that comes from God’s Word can we parent with love.
How to show I really love my spouse
The best way I can show my wife that I love her is to look more like the one she loves. Yes, I know that she loves me for who I am but I also know that the more I look and act like Jesus, the deeper she grows in love with me. God’s Word says that husbands should love their wives the way that Christ loved the church.
What does my wife think is sexy?
- Reading my Bible.
- Praying together
- Spending fun quality time with family
- Teaching God’s Word to our kids and others
- Loving like Jesus
I know as a husband God’s Word says that we should lead, provide, discipline, serve, love and encourage. That is a lot to put on anyone’s plate. This is why God gave us amazing gifts to help us along the way.
- His Word
- Jesus’ Sacrifice
- Wives as helpers
God knew that we could not accomplish all these things on our own and in our own strength. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit gently guiding me in the way I should go. Showing me the straight path on which I should put my feet.The hard part for me and for most people is hearing and obeying Him. More time in His Word and in His presence will help us walk the way we should walk. That walk is sexier than any confident swagger we could have on our own. I guess that is why my wife thinks that reading my Bible is makes me look sexy.
Share your stories, I would love to hear them.
How has your relationship with the Lord had a positive impact on your marriage? As we share our stories, we can motivate others to become the men that God desires us to be.
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