You have seen the movies, usually when someone messes with time, it messes things up. If you tamper with the past, it could have major repercussions on future events. Likewise traveling to the future one may see things that would dramatically change what they do in the past thus changing the future. What? Yes, I know it is very confusing. This is why I wanted to share what God showed me about time travel.
Time Travel is Possible
The kind of time travel I am talking about can both change your past and your future. It won’t however, cause a rift in the space/time continuum, or cause a parallel universe to spawn. It is powerful though! Powerful enough to set you free from past mistakes and to keep your offspring from mistakes in the future.
God Taught Me to Travel Through TimeĀ
Time travel is a fascinating subject. Our family loves to watch movies with this theme. Just the other day, Clayton (our middle son) and David were having a time travel discussion at a local pizza parlor using the Parmesan cheese as the earth and the salt as a person moving against time. They were throwing out hypothesis and theories but my approach to time travel is much simpler.
God speaks to me, His daughter, like a child and I do my very best to have the faith of one. So this is how our conversation went one morning.
God: How fast does something have to move to travel through time?
Me: The speed of light, I think.
God: What am I?
Me: You are the light of the world!
God: What are you?
Me: I am a light in the world?
God: Yes, get moving!
Does God ever speak to you this way to get your attention? Sometimes He likes to hook me on a topic so that I will start digging deeper into His Word and search out a thing.
The Qualities of Light in Scripture
We know that Jesus is the source of light. He created the lights that govern our world and He is the light that brings all truth, healing, and freedom. He is the Light of the World.
All things come into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing comes into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. John 1:3-4 (NASB)
Light shines through and overcomes darkness. Scripture says that the darkness cannot even comprehend the light. It cannot capture, lay hold of, or even understand light. When you turn a light on in a dark room, what happens? The darkness disappears. Darkness has no defense against light.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:5 (NASB)
Light is always moving; 186,282 miles per second to be exact. In one years’ time light can travel close to 6 trillion miles! If you use one of those star apps on your phone that gives you the name of planets and stars, it will show that some of the stars we can see are multiple light years away. They are that far away and yet we can still see the light that they shine.
God is Always Moving
The Bible tells us that God is always at work and so is the Word. When then Word (light) is spoken it never returns void. It always does work; lights our path, exposes darkness. We as light in the world should always be working as well.
For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn in back? Isaiah 14:27 (NIV)
We need to be Moving Also
As children of light we are called to be light in the darkness and to walk as children of light. To walk means to move. When light moves it travels fast and is not abide by the same time rules of time. Light can travel through time.
For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord, walk as children of Light Ephesians 5:9 (NASB)
The light of Christ in us shows our good works and causes others to glorify God. We are lights on a hill to a dark world and are warned not to hide our light, but to let it do its work.
Time Travel to the Past
Traveling to the past is sometimes an emotional experience. It means shining the light of God’s truth on painful situations. These can be revisiting memories of hurt, betrayal, and even rebellion. We must face the things in our past that are directly effecting our present so that they will not negatively affect our future.
Forgiving Others
This means learning to forgive those who have hurt you or who have done you wrong in some way. We cannot hang onto the past or let the past hang onto us. Doing so will keep you from becoming all God has designed you to be. Unforgiveness is like putting a basket over your light so that you cannot properly shine.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you come into agreement with any wrong that was done to you; it simply means that you are no longer going to hold that person accountable for their actions. Instead you will trust God to do what is just and to discipline them the way that He sees fit. You must begin to see yourself as a conqueror instead of a victim.
Forgiving others is the pathway to forgiving yourself and being forgiven by God.
Forgiving Yourself
Scripture is very clear that once we have experienced salvation we have become new. The old is gone and the new has come! Would you get a brand new car but try to drive it with all sorts of worn out parts from your first junker? It may fool some people and it may even run for a while, but the purpose of having all things new is so that you get a new start!
I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. Galatians 2:20 (NASV)
If Jesus died for your sins, and paid the penalty for them with His own blood, what right do you have to pull them back out of hell and wear them around your neck? You don’t have the right to. So it is O.K. to let go of the past and allow you to become totally new!
Speaking to the Child Within
There have been lots of new songs out lately written about writing letters to ones younger self. I found speaking to the little girl in me very healing. One day the Lord had me travel back in time. I got pictures of myself at different ages and talked to the girl in the pictures as if I was giving counsel to someone else. I began to shine the light of God’s truth and Word on the lies that the enemy planted in my mind at each age. These were lies I was still struggling with from time to time, so I went to the source. I prayed with that little girl and with that teenager, and with that single mom and just spoke truth.
I know it may sound a little silly, but it was actually very freeing!
Catching a Glimpse of the Future.
Notice that I put information about the past first. That is because in order to live productively in the present and have a positive impact on the future, you must first deal with your past
This is an amazing verse! God is already working on your future! It you look, you can see it?:)
Do not remember the past events; pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new, even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19 (HCSB)
Time Travel to the Future
Everyone always ask if there was one thing about your past that you could change, what would it be. I used to have answers, but now I am certain that I wouldn’t change a thing. Why? Because now I can see how God has worked all of the things that have happened in my life out for my good. At this point in my life, I don’t really even want to do a day over. I am looking forward to the future.
This is the very exciting part! This is the part where moving at the speed of light gets good! The vehicle that we will travel to the future in is not a DeLorean or a space ship of any kind. The two things that we need are the Holy Spirit and the Word!
The Holy Spirit is the one who sets our destination point and determines the work that needs to be done. The Word is the power source and the light that ultimately can change the future.
The important thing here is not to get caught up in tradition or religion to let these next words scare you. They are just words and they are in the Bible. The words are declarations, prophecy, and instruction; and these are the tools that we uses guided by God’s spirit and His Word to Time Travel into the future.
If you have ever felt God impress a scripture on your heart to share or have spoken an encouraging word based on scripture into someone’s life then guess what? You prophesied! Prophecy can take you into the future because with it you are speaking words that strengthen, encourage, and comfort others. Just as negative words can have a catastrophic impact on someone’s life, the right word spoken at just the right time can change also impact the course of someone’s life. You can change futures with an encouraging word from the Lord. Need a verse to back that up? How about a chapter?:) (1 Corinthian 14)
Have you ever claimed God’s Word over your life or the life of a loved one? Have you exercised your faith to believe in a promise of God that you could not yet see. That is you traveling to the future! We can speak and declare God’s Word over our lives, claiming His promises and standing in faith that they will come to pass. That is a Declaration!
You will also decide and decree a thing, and it will be established for you, and the light (of God’s favor) will shine upon your ways. Job 22:28 (AMP)
Instruction can be the example that we live by or ways that we teach others. Remember that when we are moving as light, our good works are revealed and causes others to glorify God. Again, our action as light has an impact on the future.
This is an awesome verse I found that tells how parents can speak into the future of their children. Proverbs 6 tells young men to obey their parents and take their advice to heart. Listen to verse 23!
For their advice is a beam of light directed into the dark corners of your mind to warn you of danger and to give you a good life. (TLB)
Your instructions to your children warn them of dangers in the future and teach them so that they will have a good life by acting on in the future what they learn today.
We live in time but are not defined by it; in this world but we are not of this world. We are eternal by our new nature in Christ and our actions, the light that we shine in the present, can both impact our past and change our future.
Any thoughts? I would love to hear them!
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